It's high time we update what current and recently enrolled students say about their experience here at The Animation Academy in Burbank. Here's a sample...
"The Academy has helped me improve in my artistic ability dramatically. I've learned more here in my first 2 weeks than a whole semester in my college courses." - Dawn G
"The Academy has helped my art significantly. I enjoy every minute there and look forward to class every week. Artistically I would not be where I am now without the Academy's instruction." - Autumn G
"The Animation Academy put the 'fun' in fundamentals." - Issa S
"On the very first day at this school, my art changed drastically. With the fantastic help from teachers and influential guidance, I improved in my fundamentals and form. On top of my experience I have gained many friends. I love the atmosphere and people here." - Amanda G
"If you like art and want to listen to jazz for hours like a young Italian jellyfish then throw yourself to the Academy. I even spent my birthday in class." - Quintin C
"I really wanted to thank you for your instruction, and I wanted to let you
know that because of the work you helped me with in class, I was able
to use it to get into one of the only digital animation classes offered
at my university." - Rachel N
"I drive 40 miles to Burbank to attend class each week and it's always worth it." - Mike Z
"The Animation Academy has helped me grow as an artist more than any other art program I've taken. I feel more confident with my art than I ever have before." - Madison S
We're happy and fortunate to have attracted excellent individuals to our school over the years. Our students are exceptional talents and wonderful to create with.