Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bridget McCarty's Miniature Success

When she was with us as a teenager Bridget McCarty created very charming characters and backgrounds through her art. Here's an example of her work when she was with us from a previous write up on the Academy's blog on September 15, 2007.

Now as an adult she's established herself as one of the leading figures in the world of miniatures. In fact, Bridget has the distinction of a Warner Bros license to create miniature art for the "Wizard of Oz" franchise. Take a look at what she does. Clicking on the images will give you a better view.

It's amazing to see how our students evolve creatively over time. They may start out in one area and show a special skill, style or interest in something special and grow into a leading talent in a field that you wouldn't necessarily expect. Such is the case with Bridget. To see more of her work follow this link to Bridget McCarty's blog. You can also visit her website here.