Friday, May 18, 2007

Trevor Waldron's choices

It's always a good idea to explore your options when designing, be it a professional situation or personal work. That's what Trevor Waldron embarked upon when he created this array of possibilities for a graphic he developed with his client in mind. Trevor's been featured before on the Academy's blog on April 12 of this year.

In this example, Trevor's taken his basic design of a woman's head and worked many variations within the design of her hair, testing color and tonal values between the flower and her skin as well as slightly different versions of the shape of the hair. Click on the image for a better view.

Trevor's done a fine job with this and I'm sure his client will be pleased with all the choices availble to them. Like me, they'll probably have a difficult but enjoyable time picking a favorite.

You can follow Trevor's art and activity by visiting bis blog at:

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