Last evening The Animation Academy successfully launched the Adult Program for Semester 9.3, our 43rd consecutive semester since the founding of the school. I thought it would be a good idea to share with our friends and visitors to the blog these photos showing where we currently conduct our classes during this interim period the school is in.

On the left is the Hall of the Burbank Association of Realtors. This is where we hold classes for adults on Tuesday evenings. On the right is Wentworth Hall at Trinity Church, our neighbor at our previous location in Burbank. This is where we conduct classes for the Teen Program on Saturdays.
Until recently, the Academy occupied a building that served as our campus for six years. Here's a picture of our former campus.

The building was in an area designated as a redevelopment zone by the City of Burbank. In February of 2005, the City approved a plan for a new complex to be constructed in this zone. The developer has invited the Academy to return to the complex which is called the Burbank Media Center Project. We plan to occupy space within the Media Center Project once it is completed. Here's an artist's rendition of what the Media Center will look like.

The Media Center is a mixed use real estate development incorporating residential, light retail and restaurant facilities as well as the rebuilding of the Trinity Church and a child care pre-school facility for the church. We're looking forward to the day when we can move back to our old location and take advantage of the new facilities. In the meantime, the Realtors Hall and Wentworth Hall are working well for us as we continue to provide the community with excellence in art education through an animation oriented venue.