We're lining up guest speakers into the spring at the Academy. Next semester will begin January 8, 2008 and will mark the 10th anniversary of the school.
At the Academy we emphasize the importance of a marquis character or characters in the establishment of a character based franchise in animation and Spyro has turned out to be a wonderful example of that lesson.
The original development drawings of Spyro the Dragon have been online since 2004 in a presentation hosted by the school. This presentation has had continuous virtually non stop traffic since then with no promotion or advertising behind it, a testament to the popularity of Spyro and perhaps the educational value of the body of work. To view the Spyro presentation follow this link:
The Animation Academy is a world leader in the subject of character design training and intellectual property development. Insomniac Games enrolled their production crew into our program in 1998 early in the Academy's history. The Animation Academy has been influential in the animation industry on many levels.
Spyro is scheduled to be released sometime in 2009. Here's to hoping that the script is strong, the production values are high, and the film proves to be as succesful as the video games.
These demos were also also created at the same session, in the spirit of Halloween, using a similar technique as the demonstration above.
If you're looking for a degree granting program in animation, fine art, graphics, photography and more that is of excellent quality and affordable, check out Cal State Northridge. Here's a link to CSUN's home page: http://www.csun.edu
This link will take you to their art department: http://www.csun.edu/art/
Supplement your education at The Animation Academy, or prepare for CSUN with us and your skills will skyrocket.
We recently heard from Bridget, now a grown woman and on her own. She started a line of miniature collectables which she sells on the Internet. She's been very successful with this endeavor and has caught the attention of a major corporation which is looking to license her product. This link will take you to her site. http://aliceinteacup.com
We're very happy for Bridget and proud to feature her as yet another successful artist who's been associated with The Animation Academy. We wish her continued good fortune.
David Colman from Cartoon Network, author of "The Art of Animal Character Design".
Former student and current assistant instructor James Lavelle Brown.
Jose Lopez, an original founding student of the Academy, character designer and author of "Mariachi Samurai".
Patrick Morgan, creator of "WhaleBoy".
John Nevarez of the Disney Studios.
Stephen Silver, author, educator and character designer.
Development artist Gary Montalbano and wife.
Last but not certainly not least, Kevin Poythress and company.
To see the blog that Kevin created of his 07 ComicCon experience, follow this link: http://mutantpenguinblog.blogspot.com/2007/08/sdcc2007-parti.html