It was a real thrill hosting a very special guest at the Academy's adult session last week. Paul Felix, one of the most outstanding visual development artists at Walt Disney Feature Animation was the man of the hour and we were happy and honored to have him with us.
Paul presented his portfolio and everyone was floored when they got a look at his work. Development art from Mulan, Tarzan, Kingdom of the Sun (before it became Emperor's New Groove) and Lilo and Stitch to name a few. That's all he could show us for now since the work he's been doing on Disney's upcoming "American Dog" for the past 4 1/2 years is still under wraps.
Here's Paul speaking with a group of students as he presents images of his artwork from his laptop which is hidden from view when the shot was taken.

Paul is going through his development art at his laptop while conversing with an enthralled group of Academy students.

So that everyone could get a good look at the work Paul brought along for the evening, we seperated into a second group. One could be with Paul at his computer and the other could see his portfolio art close up and personal. In the photo below, a student is holding up a drawing for one group while Paul is in the distance at the front table with the other group.

Paul listens as a question is posed to him by a student.

Our students were extremely appreciative that Paul Felix took the time to stop by and participate in the class. It was a terrific experience. He's a fantastic person, as humble and unpretentious as he is talented. Probably moreso if that's possible. Very generous, genuine and friendly. Thanks again for your visit, Paul. It left a big impression on everyone.