Monday, July 13, 2009

Alexis Arciniaga keeps creating

We frequently hear from students who've taken classes with us in the past. They let us know how they're doing and how much their experience at the Academy has meant to them. Such is the case with Alexis Arciniaga.

Alexis dropped us a line recounting how much she learned in the short time she was with us when she was enrolled in the Teen Program, and she included a few samples of recent work. Here's an example of the powerful art she's creating. Clicking on the image will give you a better view.

Alexis is destined for great things with her art. She creates with confidence and makes a statement. Her work is dynamic and rooted on a fundamental foundation, which gives her a strong footing to do anything she wants to creatively.

Thanks for getting in touch Alexis! You're doing exciting things. We're happy to have been a positive part of your educational experience.

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